A preacher once said that it is very important to stay in a community where people can strengthen each other's faith, where one can find support from other people who share a same view as it is written that a person who wanders alone will search for his own truth. A personal one instead of an absolute one. My question to this statement is: Is there an absolute truth? Which truth is defined as the real one, and based on what? The Bible apparently?
In my opinion, such statement is an attempt of a dogmatic brainwashing through power of majority, social opression, as we human beings are social animals and tend to be easily influenced by majority's voices and repitition of indoctrination. I think every one of us has experienced this at least once, suppose we don't like a song the first time we heard it, but your friend kept playing it for you, after some times of listening to the same song over and over again, we probably would start finding the song ok-ish, and after longer time, even unconsciously humming it.
If you're a lonewolf and keeping your distance, then you wouldn't be brainwashed so easily. I think this is probably what the community's afraid of. Difference, opposition, prospect of another truth being revealed. Funny how strongly communal brainwash and indoctrination can work. Have you ever wondered why a Christian always sees a divine revelation of Christ or Mother Mary but never of Krishna? And the other way around? The eyes always see what the heart wants to see.
Speaking about those lonewolves who search for their own truth, all those preachers out there should be grateful instead of criticizing them because without these 'lost lambs' you would still live in a dark age where there's no electricity, no printing devices to print those holy books of yours. Be thankful that Copernicus had taken the hard way of pursuing his personal truth instead of the biblical 'absolute' truth.
I think this is respect.

Not some forced 'it's a matter of faith/let there be this and that' nonsense which leaves no room for questions and free thinking.
I think being religious without the ability to think rationally forces the brain to release some chemicals which emotional effect is somewhat similar to a person falling blindly in love and, without even realizing it, being in an abusive relationship. No matter how the partner abuses us, we will always find some romantic justifications to tell ourselves that we're happy and content. Everything is squeezed to fit in the picture, and if it's not possible to squeeze in a logical explanation then it'll be dismissed and regarded as blasphemy or God's divine plan which isnt ours to see. Or to conclude in one sentence "It is a matter of faith".
"I do not feel obliged that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." -Galileo Galilei